Common questions


What should I prepare in order to begin the binding process?

Simply fill out the form provided and either send us your originals or request a pickup. That's it.

What color choices do you offer for bound volumes?

Please view our color chart

Can I request a proof of my bound volume?

Yes. We will happily send you a loose, velo, or hard bound proof of your documents upon request. Please understand this will delay the turnaround time of your completed job and cannot guarantee a 10 business day return. We are confident you can bypass this option due to our meticulous attention to detail. We suggest you request a mock-up of the spine emailed to you.

Can I have a mock-up of the spine sent to me so I can double check the information?

Yes. We will email you a copy of what the spine will look like showing logo(s), panels, and information. Please double check spelling and punctuation to ensure a seamless production of your bound volumes.

What is the maximum size for a hard bound volume and velo?

The largest your hard bound volume can be is four inches when complete and three inches for a velo.

How can I tell how many pages I have?

Every inch of paper is approximately 200 pages.

Can you bill various parties?

Yes. You can have the entire bill sent to one party or you can choose to request the bill be sent to your client. You also have the option of splitting the bill for multiple firms, partners, and clients. Please include this information on the form.

Will you ship internationally?

Yes. We ship our bound volumes all over the world using a computerized tracking system. We guarantee the bound volumes will be delivered undamaged; they are carefully packed in custom boxes and shipped by reliable carriers.

Where is the clear CD pocket placed in the bound volume?

You may request the clear CD pocket placed in a specific tab or on the inside back cover of the bound volume.